
One of our objectives is to share and foster research in interfaith cooperation.

We have entertained formal presentations from experts in the field and reviewed emerging or published research. Some select examples:

  1. “Religious Pluralism and the Interfaith Landscape in the US” by Dr. Diana Eck and Whittney Barth, Pluralism Project.
  2. “The Changing Religious Landscape: A Fresh Look at Inter-religious America” by Robby Jones, Public Religion Research Institute, as well as a follow-up video.
  3. “The Work of NEXUS Global Youth Network” by Jonah Wittkamper, NEXUS.
  4. “The Nexus between Business and Religious Freedom” by Brian J. Grim, Religious Freedom and Business Foundation.
  5. “The KAICIID Peace Map: Key Findings” by Prof. Patrice Brodeur, Director of Research, KAICIID.
  6. “A Short History of the U.S. Interfaith Movement” by Bud Heckman, Co-Founder and Convener of Interfaith Funders Group.
  7. “Understanding Community Interfaith Initiatives: A New American Survey of Interfaith Organizations” by Mark M McCormack, Director of Research and Evaluation at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and Hasina A. Mohyuddin, Vanderbilt University.
  8. “Interfaith Journeys: An exploration of history, ideas, and future directions” by Katherine Marshall, Director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD) and with the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University.

Some of our future work session are intend to cover or include:

  1. The Formation of Identity and the Insights of Neuroscience
  2. An Internal Analysis of the Relationship Between Faith and Philanthropy
  3. Dealing with Religious Tensions When the Government Exacerbates Them
  4. Examining Efforts to Foster Broad Civic Virtues
  5. Grafting of Religious Identity With Political and Other Identities
  6. Advancing Interfaith Cooperation in Face of Religious Fundamentalism and Christian Evangelicalism
  7. What Religious Demography Changes Might Be Telling Us
  8. A Historical View of Interfaith Cooperation